
Getting the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification: Personal Experience

A couple of months ago, I passed the exam to get the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification.

But when I was preparing for it, I really wished someone had shared their experience of taking the exam with me. So, I decided to be that person, and share my experience with those of you who are wondering how to get the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification. Hope you'll find it useful!

Why bother?

Fair question. I know that the opportunity of getting this kind of certificate doesn't usually attract you until you need one to prove your competence, but I decided to get it. Although having the certificate might not be that big of a deal for your current or potential employers, it's still good to have. And here is my opinion why:

To learn something cool

Since you have to prepare for the test even if you think you're already good enough, there's a good chance you'll learn something new in the process. It may be a different answer to a trivial question or a bunch of fun facts. The cool stuff I learned was about Snowball and Snowmobile that AWS offers to transport large amounts of data. I mean, isn't it cool that you can purchase a whole truck for data transportation? I doubt that I would learn this otherwise.

To challenge yourself

The certificate isn't easy to get, and you have to put some effort into it. But it's such a great feeling of accomplishment you get when you pass the exam after pushing yourself out of the comfort zone!

To test your knowledge

While I learned a lot, I got more confident in what I had already known as well. The exam helped me identify my knowledge gaps, and it turned out I didn't have that many (sorry, not sorry).

Exam preparation

As I've already mentioned, the preparation will take some time. I couldn't find a single resource that would cover everything I needed to prepare for the exam, so here's what I did:

It seems to be a lot, but I actually enjoyed studying. Especially since mixing different formats of information made it less of a challenge for me.

So, how did it go?

Easier than I anticipated. The actual exam questions turned out to be simpler than the ones from the practice tests. But I have to admit I was short on time: I only had three minutes left to review some of the answers I wasn't sure about. That's because it took me more time to read and understand longer scenarios and answer options without missing important details.

For native speakers, it shouldn't be a problem, though. And if English is your second language, here's some good news: you can contact AWS support to request 30 minutes extra to complete the exam.

All in all, it was an engaging experience for me. I gained some new knowledge, and, well, became AWS Solutions Architect Associate certified.

Good luck with your exam!


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Altigee helps startups and tech companies build remote engineering teams or extend their existing teams with senior tech talent. For the past 4 years, we helped our clients to hire 200+ engineers.

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